Rice Roofers » Roof Repair

Roof Repair

Serving the Area One Roof at a Time

A tiny leak isn’t simply inconvenient; it’s a warning of a larger problem that will only become worse. Don’t put it off any longer, and reach out to us to have your roof properly inspected before a little problem becomes a costly crisis. After all, we are Houston’s most experienced roofing company.

Correct roof framing and repair are important for your home’s appearance and safety, but the right roofing material is especially important. Rice Roofers can help you decide on the best products for your residential roofing projects.

Our Repairs Process

We assign a roofing specialist to come and assess your roofing issue. If it is something simple, they may be able to complete the repair that day most of the time. If a more extensive repair is needed, the roofing specialist will compile an estimate for you containing line items, prices, and the warranty offered. Once approved, we will email you a link of pictures, showing before and after, to prove the work has been completed.

Roof Maintenance

Roof Maintenance consists of routine checks on your roof penetrations, sealing any exposed nails, removal of debris from your roof and gutters, and prolonging the life of your roof.

Roof Maintenance is suggested every 12-18 months, even if you are not seeing any signs of issues.

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